Mar 13Ready to Rejuvenate?If you're seeking a non-invasive way to revitalise your skin and alleviate pain, you're the perfect candidate for red light therapy....
Nov 1, 2023Consistency is the name of the game when it comes to reaping the benefits of red light therapy.Whether you're chasing radiant skin, faster muscle recovery, or a mood boost, making it a routine is key. How often do you include red...
Jul 20, 2021What to Expect On Your First Colonic......I heard lots about the treatment and said it would be a great way to get prepared for Saturday night and of course feel better in...
Jun 8, 2021Laxatives are not the solution!Please be aware that Laxatives are not the answer! We have so many Clints who rely on these. Worldwide, laxatives are the second largest...
May 28, 2021How we can help your child find relief from constipation Constipation is defined by either a decrease in the frequency of bowel movements, or the bowel movements are painful. Constipation can...