Red Light therapy also known as low level laser therapy is a therapeutic technique.
It uses red and near infrared wavelengths of light to treat skin issues like wrinkles, scars and persistent wounds as well as other conditions such as joint, tendon, muscle pain and the side effects of chemotherapy. With some energy, cells can function more efficiently, rejuvenate themselves and repair damage.
Promotes wound healing and tissue repair
Improves hair growth
Short term treatment for carpel tunnel syndrome
Aids with short term stiffness in people with rheumatoid arthritis
Reduces some side effects of cancer treatments like oral mucositis
Improves skin complexion and builds collagen to dimmish wrinkles
Helps to men sun damage
Prevents recurring cold sores from herpes
Improves the health of joints
Helps acne scars
Relieves pain and inflammation in people with pain in
Achilles tendon and tennis elbow
Muscle recovery
Muscle mass, performance and endurance in fitness
Ease Insomnia
Hormone Health
Alleviate menopause symptoms
Improves Sex Drive
Positive effect on cognitive function
Mental Health and Depression
Healthy Hair
Weight Loss and cellulite